Hire Onsite Paving contractors for Asphalt Seal coating in Atlanta. The experienced and well-trained expertise team of Onsite Paving will do an excellent seal coating work for your asphalt driveways.
Steps Involved In Asphalt Seal Coating
1. The pavement should be cleaned thoroughly. All the weeds that are grown at the edge of the pavement should be pulled off. All the small broken loose asphalt or stone particles must be cleared off using water or compressed air.
2. The oil spots must be cleansed with a cleaner. The oil, gasoline and grease deposits must be completely removed from the surface of the asphalt pavement. A quality oil spot primer must be used to avoid further absorption of oil.
3. The loose materials in the potholes must be dug out and the edges must be undercut. The potholes must be filled with asphalt. The area must be compacted until it has an even surface with the asphalt pavement.
4. The cracks must be cleaned and filled with asphalt emulsion crack filler. If the cracks are very large, they must first be filled with angular gravel and then the filling must be completed with a suitable hot or cold pour crack filler.
5. At least two coats of sealcoating must be applied at a temperature of 50 degrees, not below 50 degrees. Allow to cure for 24 hours before using it.
Onsite Paving is the leading company providing best service of seal coating in Atlanta for your worn out asphalt pavings. We also install new asphalt pavements, resurfacing, parking lot installations, striping, marking and all other asphalt services.